Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Double Anniversary Of The Great Beppin Fire

Two years to the day... two long years. The observant amongst you will see that the last journal log for my original chronicaling of Beppin is on 18/11/06. This, unknown to myself at the time of the entry, was to be the day Beppin fell. Almost immediately after my entry was logged Oberstgruppen-Führer Benedict G. Chicken knocked loudly and fervently on the front door of Baron Manor. His panicked state indicated much more to me than the words from his beak ever could. Beyond my doorway I saw explosive fireballs light up the night sky in all directions almost spontaneously.

An underground resistance group had seized this moment to put it's diabolical plans into action. In a single movement they set light to fires precisely lit around Beppin. The effect was instant and devastating. From our shoreline to the foothills of the mountains Beppin was ablaze in minutes.

The resistance had set fire to our recently unveiled national monument first, Benedict was first to notice this, and after cursing Beppin's lack of a Fire Department ran to my house to see if I had any furniture items that could possibly be used to quell the blaze. Unbeknownst to poor Benedict was this was just the first phase of this resistance's multipronged offence.

As Beppin burned uncontrollably mass exodus became the only option. All my beloved Beppians were scattered to the four winds and to this very moment I still don't know who perished. After escaping only barely from the inferno through a seldom used mountain pass my journey took me north, through the wilderness..

The last two years were spent in self imposed exile. I needed time to regroup.. time to rejuvenate myself physically and mentally. I avoided towns where possible, and was careful to hide my identity in any populated areas I had to travel through. All the time very conscious I may still be a target for the underground resistance, afterall I have no idea who was on my side at all really, the network of militants could've been infested throughout Beppin... such brutal and effective acts of aggression take much planning and many hands to carry out.

But I bided my time. I lived off the land, kept to myself, and never stayed anywhere too long. Until now. A long bus ride from a coastal port a few days ago brought me to a new town today. As soon as I set foot on the ground it felt 'right'. Maybe it was the plentiful oranges, perhaps it was the familiar looking architecture, whatever it was it felt more like home than anywhere else in the last couple of years. I found the nearest local trader and asked if there was any work around. The shopkeeper looked familiar, but didnt recognise me... perhaps because of my very different physical appearance.

I knew this proud creature as Herr Tom Nook. He looked slightly older and more distinguished, but refined and worldly. He told me this town was so isolated that new people didn't arrive often, I was the first since it was founded a couple of years ago. I didn't want a history lesson at this stage as I didn't want to jog the shopkeepers memory, and pushed again about the work.

He looked me up and down and said he needed some deliveries taken care of and some other little jobs he didn't have time to do. He said it was short term, but he would take me on. I graciously accepted and began work immediately. It was good honest work. It felt good, and it felt safe. I'd literally just got-off-the-bus, but all the townsfolk seemed very welcoming and pleased to meet me. I paid a visit to the apparently recently completed town hall. To my immense suprise I saw another familiar face: Frau Pelly K. Pelican. The shock hit me even harder than seeing Herr Nook! This was becoming unsettling, but it was too late to hide my identity and the shocked look on Pelly's beak seemed to freeze the moment in time. "Can I help you?" she nervously said.

She didn't let on she knew me. She regained her composure quickly and gave me the information I requested about this new town. Frau Pelly handed me a map, and said there were residencies available, if I was interested.. they were marked on it. Her eyes met mine, and she said, very slowly and deliberately: "Please consider staying sir, you'd be most welcome here". I quickly took the map and left the town hall.. I was torn. Half of me wanted to get out of there now. The other half wanted to stay and learn more. My two year sabbatical after the events that ended Beppin hand made me very skeptical and a tad paranoid... how could it be that two Beppians were living in the same town? Miles and miles from any other civilisation, literally in the middle of nowhere... waves of paranoia started washing over me and I headed to a secluded glade along the river to collect my thoughts.

I'd passed through countless town and hamlets over the last couple of years... in every one of them I felt a stranger. I could feel the unwelcoming shadows extend around me and usher me through. This place though.. this place... it was different. I sat by the swiftly running creek for a few minutes.. thinking, wondering what to do next. Do I take a chance, or do I take the next bus out of here?

I realised at this moment that this was a decision to keep running, or make a new start. It had never entered my mind previous to this moment that I could actually make a new start. My survival instincts gave way to new thoughts, new possibilities. The creek seemed to calm my spirit down, and I began to notice the beauty surrounding me.

Beautiful orange trees, laden with fruit. Clear waters, golden beaches. Beautiful orange trees. Orange trees. It took me back to Beppin, our glorious native orange trees. I'd begun falling in love with this new town, it hadn't hit me until this moment, but just like any love it creeps up on you and then knocks you over with passion. The skies began to darken.. it was late afternoon and I just realised I spent the last 5 hours sitting on the rivers edge in contemplation.

My decision had been made for me. This was going to be my new home. I headed back to Herr Nooks for some supplies, he offered me some financial help for my new residence as he liked my character from the work I'd done today. I graciously accepted and vowed to pay him back every Bell. A smirk creeped across his snout and said "It's no Baron Manor,.. but it'll do for now". I smiled back, and he told me it was time he was closing and we'd have lots of time to catch up, but both of us needed some rest.

I had a feeling I'd not felt for a long time, the feeling and comfort of home. A feeling that is easily taken for granted but is of immeasurable value. This weary old Baron had run for long enough. If my quest was to find this one place I could call home, then this was it. I thought back to even before the weekend when I got on that bus.. just how much things had changed in such a short time. I had years of baggage to lose still, but if there was ever a chance for it to happen, then this was it. Hell, I didn't even know this towns name yet, there was no signs anywhere, and the bus continued on after this stop lord knows where. What made me even get off here?

I have a thousand questions still, but I also have a sense of calmness and hope that I thought I'd lost for good.

I settled down along the river for some fishing before I headed back to my new house to write this entry. It was a good day. My first in many, many months. Two years to the very day that my beloved Beppin was burned off the face of the earth..


I think I'll be sticking around here a while.

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